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'Mummy Spotlight' Q&A with Andreea Panciuc

Maternal Insights: Q&A with Andreea Panciuc in the Mummy Spotlight

Each month, we shine the spotlight on Mums because we think they are all amazing!

We asked Mum of two, Andreea, some questions on family life and the joys and challenges of motherhood...

How has motherhood surprised you?

The first couple of weeks were a blur, but what most surprised me was how quickly I learned things - from nursing to settling the baby to sleep, and generally doing things that you thought you'd never be able to do. I love a good night's sleep, and in all honesty, I thought I would never be able to do with less than 8hrs of sleep, but I was wrong.

What is a typical day like for you and your family?

My two little ones and I would usually wake up around 8am, I nurse the baby whilst Noah is playing in his room, and then we all go downstairs to have breakfast. By the time I cook and eat, Grace is ready for her first nap of the day. If I have to shoot any content this is the time of the day when I usually do it. As a content creator, no days are the same, but generally speaking, I try to schedule in work when both of them are napping. After lunch, Noah will have a 2hrs nap and it's feed and playtime for Grace. If I have any errands to run in town, they will happily nap in their Babyzen YOYO pushchair. I also try to have at least one activity with them each day - whether that is a walk in the park, lunch at the restaurant, a soft play session, or a cinema date. Before you know it, it's dinner and night time - I try to put both of them to sleep at the same time, but I'm not always successful. If it's an early evening, I'll enjoy a long bath, if not just a quick shower. I finish the day editing and scheduling content, replying to emails, brainstorming ideas for my content calendar, etc.

What's the biggest challenge when it comes to motherhood?

Being present and allocating as much time possible to each child. I often feel guilty because I don't get to spend enough 1 to 1 time with Noah, I can tell when he feels a little jealous of his baby sister.

What is the biggest joy?

I love watching them learn new things, words (Noah is bilingual, so it's always exciting when he learns new words), being excited to see his dad after a long day, their cute, smiley faces.

Best piece of advice you have been given or would give to a new mum?

I would say, cherish every moment, and enjoy the ride. Motherhood is not easy, but it is oh-so-rewarding!

Favourite LBL product?

The nappy change cream is an absolute favourite - I also use it on my hands and cuticles when I feel them dry.

You can keep up to date with Emily and her family on Instagram @launeden

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