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The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Nourishing Connection: Exploring the Benefits of Breastfeeding

Happy World Breastfeeding Week – a week dedicated to celebrating mothers all over the world and explore the benefits of breastfeeding for a healthier, happier baby!

This tradition started in 1992 and takes place annually over the first week of August as a tribute to the unique bond between mother and child during breastfeeding to educate on the wealth of benefits involved in this process for baby, parent, and the planet.

The themes involved in this week range from healthcare and human rights to exploring the best breast milk substitutes and women and work to include all parents from all walks of life.

Why is Breastfeeding Important?

Apart from helping to develop a strong emotional bond between parent and child, breast milk is ultimately the perfect formula for your baby, strengthening their immune system and providing them with the nutrition they need for the best start in life.

Breast milk massively reduces the risk of disease and infection for your baby during their most vulnerable stage of youth with research showing that the longer you breastfeed, the longer these results can last.

It is also important for mums to breastfeed for many health reasons postpartum including to lower risks of various diseases including cancer, reduce any bleeding and encourage the uterus to retract to its normal size after giving birth amongst other benefits.

Breastfeeding is convenient when out and about as eliminates the need to prepare bottles beforehand and contributes massively to the environment saving plastics and other materials involved in a bottle-fed process.

Of course, it is important to consider that breastfeeding is not always possible for mothers for a variety of reasons, so World Breastfeeding Week helps new parents to explore the pros and cons of other options to choose the healthiest formula for their baby.

For more information on this celebration head to

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